Would you like to write articles for Modern Jeweler? Maybe you are looking to enhance your online writing profile or starting off as a freelance writer? Send us some examples of your work relating to jewelry to info@modernjeweler.com
The Modern Jeweler team
Cheryl Kremkow has more than 25 years experience telling compelling jewelry stories to consumers, retailers and manufacturers in a variety of media. She was editor-in-chief of Modern Jeweler, Lustre, and Jewelry News Asia magazines. She has been the vice-president of content for three jewelry e-commerce start-ups and founded the Gem Bureau for the International Colored Gemstone Association.
Ivan Solotaroff is a former Senior Editor and/or Writer at The Village Voice, Esquire, ESPN: Total Sports, Philadelphia Magazine, and Modern Jeweler. He has published two books, No Success Like Failure and The Last Face You'll Ever See. A native New Yorker, he now lives in Philadelphia